We offer emergency and urgent care as time allows during regular business hours and will work to accommodate you and your pet as quickly as possible in the event of a medical emergency.
During business hours, please contact our office at (410) 838-7797 if you think that you have an emergency with your pet. Our helpful staff members will consult with the doctors on how best to address the situation.
Emergencies, which need to be seen right away, include the following:
- Allergic reactions
- “Bloat” (painful, distended abdomen with or without non-productive retching)
- Broken bones
- Dog fights
- Hit by car
- Poisonings
- Seizures
- Straining to urinate (especially in male cats)
- Trouble breathing
We also recommend urgent veterinary care if you notice any of the following symptoms:
- Unexplained weight loss
- Increase or decrease in water intake/urination
- Blood in urine or stool
- Loss of appetite or lethargy
- Behavior changes
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- Ear odors, redness, scratching or head shaking
- Trouble urinating or defecating
After hours or if we are unable to see your pet for an emergency, please contact the following emergency service provider:
Animal Emergency Hospital
722 Belair Road
Bel Air, MD 21014
(410) 420-PAWS (7297)
Blue Pearl Pet Hospital in Newark, DE 302-322-6933 (open 24/7/365)
Mason-Dixon Animal Emergency Hospital in Shrewsbury, PA 717-432-6030 (open 24/7/365)
Urgent Vet Care in Cockeysville, MD 443-318-6500 (open 1pm-11pm 7 days a week; closed on major holidays)
For any possible poisonings, please call:
Pet Poison Helpline
(800) 213-6680